home care


Why Should Seniors Volunteer?

Most seniors have retired from their careers or lifelong work, providing them with a lot more free time. As retirees, seniors may find that they long for something to fill their time. They may feel restless without the structure of the career that once motivated them through each day. Volunteering can be a solution to […]

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Les services de soutien à domicile de votre CLSC

Permettre à une personne âgée en perte d’autonomie de demeurer à domicile offre beaucoup d’avantages économique ainsi qu’au niveau du bien-être physique et mental de la personne. Certaines personnes âgées pourront demeurer à domicile longtemps, car ils resteront en bonne santé physique et mentale pour s’occuper d’eux-mêmes jusqu’à la fin de leur vie. Malheureusement, cette

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Home and Community Based Services

Home & community-based services (HCBS) include a range of personal, support, and health services provided to you in your home or community to help you stay at home and live as independently as possible. These services are often provided by family caregivers, but can also be provided by a variety of home- and community-based providers.

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10 Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s & Dementia

1. Recent memory loss that affects job skills 2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks 3. Problems with language 4. Disorientation of time and place 5. Poor or decreased judgment 6. Problems with abstract thinking 7. Misplacing things 8. Changes in mood or behavior 9. Changes in personality 10. Loss of initiative

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